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This months competition is to tell me how many moving donald duck photos are on this website!Prize is a secret!Keep looking on Guest board to see if you are a winner!Closing date March 23rd 05.Winner will have name put down on Guest book on the 6th March.Put your awnsers on guest board!Please write your name and age and competition number!

this competition is not open!Will be opened on 25th March05 Closing date is 2nd may 05

Competition 3 Competition 4

Can you name the persons name?


This person has just had her baby!Her husband is a football player and she has 3 children!Please go to my guest book and put your awnser in and the competition number!Closing date 31st March!

This competition opens 4th may 05 and closes 25 may 05

Competition 6 Competiton 2

This competiton will be opened on the 2nd March 05.The closing date for this competition is 1st April) 05

Competition not open this closing date is 25th april 05

Competition 5

competition not opened opening date:3rd june closing date 3rd july (my birthday!)

Competition 7